Welcome to the 19th Joint Czech-German-Slovak Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economy and Industry!

The conference has been held on September 4–6, 2017 in Jindřichův Hradec (Czech Republic).

The participants of the conference MMEI are invited to submit their original papers to a special volume of the Kybernetika journal. Lenght of a paper is limited by 16 pages and submissions will be treated by a regular referee process.

Paper submission procedure: You need an account at Kybernetika login page. If you have none create a new account for you. Log in your account, insert PDF-file with your manuscript and write 'MMEI 2017' in the box denoted 'comment'.

Deadline for submitting is November 30, 2017.

The conference focuses on mathematical methods used in economy and industry, especially

  • optimization (including deterministic and stochastic optimization);
  • variational analysis;
  • numerical algorithms for optimization problems;
  • optimization methods applied in economics, finance, industry, etc.

Participants are invited to submit a short abstract (approximately 300 words).

We hope you accept this invitation to a beautiful city of South Bohemia – Jindřichův Hradec.

Announcements & Deadlines

June 19Abstract Submission
June 30Early Registration
August 31Regular Registration
September 4–6Conference
November 30Paper Submission


Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University

Faculty of Economics, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice

Contact: MMEI 2017 organisers Web template created by Mathilde Excoffier (Université Paris XI)